Tales of a Synsuous Nature #2 - Her Arrival

09/18/2012 00:01

As Dulcia finally stumbles through the main gate of Divinity Reach, tired, filthy, starving and flat broke, she wonders how she will manage to eat today. It has been two days since she last ate and she is beginning to feel nauseated from the lack of sustenance. 

She doesn't think anyone will come looking for, but decides she should be cautious. She looks around for an alley way and when she finds one, she wanders far down into it. 'First', she thinks to herself, 'I must do something about my hair.' She takes a dagger, hesitates for a minute and then hacks away at her hair with it. When it is a short as she can make it, she stops. There is a good sized pile of hair at her feet. 'Now, what should I do about my name? Dulcia Poma simply will not do.' She ponders for a couple of minutes, her mind flitting from one name to the next, not finding -anything- she likes. A nearby bird whistles and she laughs! 'I am making this too difficult! Music is the answer. I love music. I should have a name related to music.' She thinks for a few more minutes and makes a decision, 'I will call myself Synsuous'.

As she wanders through the streets, she suddenly hears laughing, shouting, and *music*! Suddenly, she knows what to do! She knows -lots- songs, she has even written a few herself. She will sing and hopefully gain enough money for food, a bath and a room for the night.

She tries singing in the Busted Flagon, but is met with failure; the place is simply too noisy and she can barely be heard above the din. Disappoint, she continues to wander through the city. Eventually, she stumbles upon the Maiden’s Whisper and decides to try her luck there. This place is far more suitable to her needs; it is quiet, well appointed, and the clientele seem to be of a higher quality.

She asks the manager if she could sing, and with permission, sings a song. This time, she is entirely successful. The people in the bar truly appreciate her performance and not only does she gain enough coin to fulfill her immediate wishes, she has enough left over to last for a few days.

That evening, as she relaxes in a hot bath, she is finally happy that she ra--, left her previous life behind.