Tales of a Synsuous Nature #11 - Bad Kitten!

01/20/2013 04:55


One day, when Synsuous was standing near the fountain outside the Maiden's Whisper, an Ice Demon suddenly appeared! She screamed for help, fearing for her life! Oddly enough, no one seemed interested in helping her and in the back of her mind, she thought she heard two people debating on whether it was a demon or an elemental. 
While she is screaming at the demon and telling it to go away, the demon starts to act strangely, looking around as if to search for a demon. Finally, Sentryna rushes over and begins to attack the demon! The demon starts yelling and Synsuous recognizes the voice as that of Kitten. Somehow, Sentryna's attacking Kitten causes him to change back into his normal form.
Synsuous is still a bit hysterical, but runs over and hugs Kitten. She finally manages to wrestle a portion of the details from Kitten's addled brain: he had purchased a potion from the 'hat lady' and when he drank the potion, he became the Ice Elemental.
The two manage to calm down from the ordeal and Kitten wants to play a game, so they decide to play tag, chasing each other all around the Maiden and the surrounding area. Finally, they are tired and collapse on the platform in the middle of the fountain. All of a sudden, Kitten produces another potion! Synsuous tries to tell him not to drink it, but it is too late. Drinking the potion, he transforms into a large wild boar and tramples Synsuous two or three times. Sentryna rushes over to attack the wild boar but it runs off and Sentryna gives pursuit, leaving behind the unconscious and bleeding Synsuous.
Synsuous surely would have died unnoticed by the fountain, but fortunately, her Goddess appears to save her! She is very upset that her devotee has been injured once again. She quickly heals all of Synsuous' internal injuries and carries her home to rest. While she is tending to Synsuous, she questions her as to the events that had transpired. 
Synsuous tells her Goddess all about the Ice Demon, the potion, Kitten and the boar. As she finishes doing so, Kitten enters her bedroom, not having bothered to knock on the door. She questions Kitten about his actions, but Kitten denies everything! Synsuous is hurt and angry! She tries to convince Kitten to tell the truth, but he refuses to do so. One, Synsuous' Goddess, is very angry with Kitten and threatens to harm him if he doesn't tell the truth. Finally, her patience at an end, she shoots Kitten in the leg and he runs off, wounded.